A Quick Introduction
Everyone contains multitudes: I am no different. I have always believed that complexity was beautiful, and on this website, I hope to introduce you to the different sides of who I am. I hope to post creative writing, journal pieces, photos, travel and food content, ideas about responsible consumerism, business and finance-related work, political pieces, and more.
A little about me: I love to dance, my favorite fruit is mango, Perú tiene mi corazón, day hikes are my favorite way to experience nature, I like to write and create art, though I'm not sure how good I am, and my perfect Saturday involves farmers markets, breakfast foods, and playing outside.
Please feel free to click through my writing and read about some of my ideas! I can't promise I'll update this site often, but I will use it to keep myself transparent about the difficulties and obstacles of my life. Thank you for visiting this site.