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An Introduction

Writer: poojasubramaniampoojasubramaniam

June 4th, 2017

When I was in 4th grade, I distinctly remember telling my wonderful teacher, who put up with much more shit from indignant children with more unmatchable grace than I could ever fathom, that while I enjoyed writing, I would never write in the cursive we had learned the year before. Reading Mrs. Cowger’s perfect cursive script that she wrote almost all of her ‘Good Morning’ messages in was an exercise in frustration for the entire class, many of whom had only pretended to learn cursive in Mrs. Newingham’s 3rd grade class. I, undoubtedly, fell into that majority. Yet, here I am, a decade later, writing all of my microeconomic notes in a messy, half-cursive (something Mrs. Cowger would probably cringe at) and all of my long-winded love letters in a neater cursive (partially for the romantic aesthetic, partially because my print is unreadable).

Similarly, I have always labeled myself as “a pen-and-paper” person. I’ve kept a journal (far from religiously) since I was old enough to write poems about how much I hated my elementary school teachers, dance classes, and family. Ironically, I still keep in contact with a few of my amazing teachers from Hill Elementary, recently completed a debut solo dance performance after a year of training, and consider myself immensely blessed that my family doubles as my best friends.

So, obviously, things have changed. And, so, it is only right that my view on blogging and online journals has changed as well. After a good amount of prodding from some people very important to me, I have decided to not only write more, but to learn to write better; to record my thoughts on current events, personal events, imaginary situations on a public space. I might even take a stab at some fiction writing or writing prompts. And, I will do all of this through this platform–this blog. I’m sure the girl who kept a Justice brand pink fuzzy journal with ‘Jacob Black’ and ‘Draco Malfoy’ doodled with hearts is upset at her future self, but I’ve been known to be a bigger advocate for my present self than my future or past self. Maybe that’s something that will change as I grow up, maybe it won’t. It will, at least, be recorded.

I plan to post whenever I feel like it – so maybe this will be my last post. My posts on my thoughts on current events and politics will most probably also be posted to social media as another avenue to keep me honest.

Either way, I’ll see you around.


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