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Summer After Freshman Year

Writer: poojasubramaniampoojasubramaniam

September 4th, 2017

This is late. I’ve been busy. The worst excuse, I know, but an excuse nonetheless.

I’ve written about my experiences travelling in my journal already, so I’m not super into the idea of writing a narrative. However, the idea of writing a LIST (my favorite things) is enticing, as always.

Takeaways from my travels this summer:

California pt 1: 

  • Helping at an arangetram is almost as fun as having it be around you

  • Doing an arangetram is so difficult. I am so proud of Divya.

  • I want my daughter to dance

  • I love being around family, even family I don’t adore. This makes me want to live in California.

  • Raghav didn’t invite Sheila to the Arangetram. Something about her puts me off.. I’m scared that if he stays with her, he will not be part of our family anymore since she doesn’t make an effort to be a part of our family.

  • I was really not great looking in that green and pink sari. My hair looked nice though. I’ll almost always have that going for me.


  • I love Lima. But the divide between poor and rich in a city like Lima is terrifying and makes me realize that the trickle down effect does NOT exist. We should work to fix these vast differences in inequality.

  • Churros are delicious.

  • The best way to work on my Spanish is to talk to cab and Uber drivers. They really taught me a lot. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes with your language- everyone is trying to help you. Or at least, everyone in Peru. In America, they’ll just make fun of you for not being able to speak English.

  • Altitude sickness is the worst thing ever.

  • Don’t order lasagna ever. That food is dead to me.

  • The first day of hiking is incredible. You’ll feel incredible for starting what you’re doing, but so so tired. Your body won’t know what hit it.

  • Porters make incredible food. They are insane super humans and I am so in awe of them.

  • The second day of hiking proves that you can hike for 4 hours up stairs without stopping.

  • When you beat half the team up to the highest summit, you’ll never feel better.

  • Downhill is hard.

  • Talking to people and learning their stories has always been my favorite part of the whole experience of backpacking and hiking. I’m glad this hasn’t changed.

  • The mini Inca sites on the way to Macchu Picchu are incredible. Take advantage of them.

  • Machu Picchu is not worth it without the trail.

  • My mom and dad can do anything. They are my role models.

  • Edwin and Carlos were my future husbands. I want to find them and marry them.

  • Some people on the trek annoyed me…but I saw at the end that each person is kind and nice in the right environment.

  • This was one of the most incredible experiences of my life.


  • I love to relax.

  • The Spanish did terrible things to South America. But they left beautiful remains.

  • I get hit on a lot in Colombia. Some people think I’m Brazilian. I felt really gross from the looks I got. But I also got emeralds! From some random guy! It was great. But he was gross too. But I felt cute, which didn’t happen for a bit.

  • I love speed boats and sitting on the beach and eating food and doing nothing and island hopping and swimming and snorkelling.

  • A speedboat in the rain is so so SO scary.

California pt 2

  • The Mission has the best burrito I’ve ever had in my life. La Taqueria is incredible.

  • Also, Oakland is awesome. I loved it. There’s so much vegan food.

  • Shawn. I learned he is full of adventure and someone I would adore travelling with. I learned he’s kind and has soft lips. I learned how it feels to hug him, how his smile looks without braces (which is the same as with braces–brilliant). I learned that he wants to be with me, and for a long time. I learned about his mother, who he adores, his brother Ryan, who is a goofball, and his best friends. I learned I love him.

New York

  • I remembered how much I love my NHSMUN friends. They are incredible people.

  • I don’t miss being single- Model UN makes me feel like being single. But I just didn’t feel that? It was strange.

  • I love my co. Emmett is great, even though he’s a slacker.

  • I’m so excited for NHSMUN.

  • I cry when I get yelled at. I shouldn’t take pictures when people aren’t looking, even if its for innocent reasons. Alex comforted me when I cried, and not many people can do that. I don’t even know if Shawn can do that. I really love my USGs.

  • I love Model UN in all its forms.

Kentucky and Nashville

  • You can listen to all of the Taylor Swift albums in 1 car ride.

  • You can talk about your friends hooking up for 4 hours and say how much tehy shouldn’t and the next day they will.

  • Nashville is not that fun of a city.

  • The eclipse was insanely amazing. It felt so out of body. I loved it. So worth.

  • Osama is a great friend and I appreciate him so much.

  • My dad takes great pictures.

  • Driving for 14 hours isn’t fun.

  • I can change my contacts while driving.

  • Country music doesn’t suck!

  • It gets so DAMN HOT IN KENTUCKY WITH THE SUN STREAMING DOWN ON YOU. Holy crap. It was terrible.

  • Nature and space are incredible. We live in such a big world with so many things to experience. I can’t believe I’ve only experienced so little.


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